Friday, June 25, 2010

Embracing the Journey

When I woke up today to do my daily meditations, I heard these messages from different readings:

The only thing necessary is to give fully of what you have no matter how little...The journey of life is a very happy one, as long as I'm willing to accept change and responsibility...the bittersweet feeling of making a sacrifice to do what is right...Keep it simple...What we each discover again and again, is that the solution to any problem becomes apparent when we stop searching for it...Today, God, help me remember that during times of transition, my faith and my self are being strengthened..."My art and profession is to live." -- Montaigne...Even though you don't feel like it, do it anyway. Then see how great you will suddenly field.

I have a plaque on my wall by the window. It's a picture of a compass with an Emerson quote above it. It says: "Life is a journey, not a destination."
I've reminded my clients of this plaque this week. I've also had to remind myself of it's importance. It just shows you how God works in wonderful ways - how we are all in this journey together. Even though we may be at different points, we are all on the same one. I am blessed to lead people along a path to a better life. It is through my struggles that I can bring hope...

Often times, when we're given an opportunity to grow, we like the idea but we don't want to move forward with it. We're scared. Our unhealthy voice barks in our heads that it isn't a good idea. So we listen, and go back and forth in our heads until we just can't take it anymore. We get tired. We reach out for help, and find that walking through the open door gives us exactly what we need.

As humans, we're often scared of change because we're perfectionists. We're planning the outcome before we take the first step. We think we have to know where the finish line is so that we can make it to the end. But then we miss out on today, because we're too focused on what's down the road a few miles. The thing is - is that if we're focused on the outcome of the change, we're focused on the chaos of all the different scenarios that could occur in light of this change. I've been doing it myself with an opportunity that has come my way. I've figured out a million different scenarios of how it could all work out and finally last night after doing that for a week - I just confided in a friend and let it go. I needed that friend to help me walk me up to that door and REALIZE how great of an opportunity it is that I'm being given. It's one of the ways that I feel I've been called to serve on this earth and the door has opened for me to serve. How grateful am I?!

I am at peace this morning, because I woke up realizing I was listening too much to my Unhealthy Voice. My Healthy Voice awoke and has reminded me of this:

It is in the times when we don't know what's next, or we don't know the outcome that we struggle the most. But it is also in these times of transition that we find our greatest strength. We are like a caterpillar getting ready to burst open with wings into a butterfly. If we can just stick it out a little longer, and appreciate the moment we're in now as part of the process- we can rest in the fact that this growth spurt is going to bring great things. We just have to enjoy the journey.