Friday, October 29, 2010

Feeling God's tug on my heart for service...

From one of my Hazelden reflections today:

"There is nothing so moving - not even acts of love or hate - as the discovery that one is not alone."
—Robert Ardrey

Nothing is too difficult or fearful for us to handle with the help of our Higher Power. When we develop the habit of letting God ease our way, our fears are gone.

Sometimes our fears can keep us from not truly living in the moment. They can be brought on by how we think our past may be affecting who we are today. They can be brought on by fear of change in the future. I've had a lot of really positive changes in my life lately that have brought out fear. Fear used to be something I would try to stuff down. Now that I don't have anything to numb it with - I face it. The way I face it is by connecting to others who have fears themselves and are willing to talk about them. I think we forget sometimes that fear is the opposite of faith and in order to live fully...we have to have faith that God created us for a purpose and have faith that he will carry us through.

I know my purpose. I know I'm supposed to help people who suffer from obesity and unhealthy lifestyles to break free from their struggles. Today I was meeting with a client who was talking about a family member who just had surgery and struggle severely with her weight. As I listened my heart just filled with God's love...because my heart is with her. In fact, I actually welled up with tears thinking that no one deserves to live like that - not knowing why or how to get help.

So when I get in fear, I just get on mission. I also practice acceptance. I'm where I am today for a reason. I was supposed to connect with that woman, who will connect with her family member for a reason. They both deserve to be loved as people created by God, not rejected as people who others see as lacking willpower. I pray that God will continue to guide me on my journey...